“The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.”

“Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs. 22:6)

Dear parents and students:

Greetings from Fatima family,

A ripple of energy permeates my heart and inflames me with a beholden spirit towards our institution, which is replete with vigour and majesty. Our firm –rooted paradigm, “Happiness is participation in the beauty and harmony of God’s life, to procure the greatest good for the greatest number”, makes us steadfast in treasuring glory unto our Alma-Mater, by dint of exertion. It gives me joy unutterable that the new- fangled visions of Fatima, have been featuring miraculous impact in impelling resplendent growth, to its fullest credit.

“Opportunities – They are all around us, these are power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it”.

Fatima is rich in tradition and community involvement. As the Principal, I sparked off a new launch platform for unlocking avenues that are aimed at taking the school into the 21st century. The world around us is rapidly changing but that does not mean we have to abandon old values that helped to create the wonderful environment that is established at Fatima. With a tranquil and persevering dedication of a life- time, we scale new frontiers by epitomizing the values, which are the hall-marks of our inherited legacy. Our school was started in the year 1977 as a Nursery and Primary school and it was upgraded into Matriculation school in the year 2017.

“Everything succeeds with people of sweet and cheerful disposition”.

The Fatima Matriculation School is an incarnation of self-respect, love, affection and compassion which puts the students into a “State of flow” and makes them genuinely strive for excellence. We recognize, appreciate, applaud and foster the fine blend of sensibilities in them. The spirit is built up within the school through the collective actions, thoughts and aspirations. All these spur higher growth and enterprise in the pursuers of learning.

“He who is firm in his will, moulds the world to himself”.

The positive attitude, hard work, sustained efforts and innovative ideas exhibited by the enthusiastic management and the dedicated staff make the school march to greater heights. The essence of quality within our school reinvigorates the academics, fine arts and extra-curricular activities.  

We tender our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents, associates and well-wishers who stood by our side in all our endeavors and  we owe our gratefulness and appreciation to all the souls who took the herculean task of placing the school at the pinnacle of glory. Let us all work together to ensure a great academic year.

I pray that the Almighty God walks with each one of us as a support and guide in this new academic year 2022 – 2023.